Recognizing the challenges that can accompany post-surgery recovery, I want you to know that I am here to assist you in any way I can. Whether you prefer the comfort and convenience of receiving services in your own home or would feel more comfortable visiting my office, I am more than happy to accommodate your needs.
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Welcome to Rx Lymphatic and Massage Therapy
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Maria Van deWater. As a celebrity lymphatic drainage therapist, I prioritize maintaining confidentiality through non-disclosure agreements. I will guide you through your entire pre and post-surgery journey with the utmost discretion and professionalism.
I'm a Certified Lymphedema Therapist, (my credentials earned at the best, LANA accredited institution) , licensed massage therapist, professional member of Associates Bodywork and Massage Professionals with extensive experience in health care.
I provide highest level of Post Operative Recovery Care, post plastic surgery lymphatic drainage -in a clean, peaceful and professional environment.
My specialties :
Mommy Makeover , BBL, facial surgery, breast lift/augmentation, liposuction (all types ) , lipo 360, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) , post cesarean section care, post surgical fibrosis and scar tissue management.
Your Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System is the most underrated aspect of our anatomy. It works as the transportation mechanism for the body's healing and immunological processes. It is the body's filtration system, responsible for cleaning our tissues of harmful pathogens and waste products. Poorly functioning lymphatic systems are associated with chronic illness, swelling and inflammation. At Rx Lymphatic, my practice is dedicated to supporting my clients Lymphatic Health.
Expert Lymphatic Care
I'm thrilled that more people are discovering the benefits of lymphatic massage, but I want to emphasize the importance of choosing a practitioner who is both certified (Certified Lymphedema Therapist) and experienced, particularly if you're recovering from surgery, have missing or damaged lymph nodes (radiation), or if you’re dealing with a chronic condition.
While the massage itself may be gentle, it's incredibly powerful and requires intentional application by someone who truly understands the intricacies of the lymphatic system and how to tailor the techniques to your unique needs.
My practice is dedicated to optimizing your lymphatic function and helping my clients achieve optimal health, wellness, and recovery.
How can you benefit from pre-surgical lymphatic massages?
Many doctors recommend lymphatic massages prior to surgery.
For example, liposuction is used in areas predisposed to fat. The surrounding tissue is often full of cell debris, toxins, excess proteins and fluid. Manual lymphatic drainage helps evacuate much of this excess material leaving cleaner, healthier tissue. Your surgeon can evacuate more fat from treated areas.
Knees that need replacement can have joint inflammation for months or even years prior to surgery. Surgeons can make cleaner incisions when surgery follows lymphatic work.
Patients report less bruising, swelling, and pain when surgical procedures follow this therapy. Fewer post-surgical visits are needed by clients who had pre-surgical lymphatic drainage.
It is recommended to start treatment one week before surgery and again 3-4 days before your surgery, especially if you are having more than one area treated or have other health issues.
Lymphatic vessels regenerate 7 to 14 days after surgery. These tiny vessels process swelling and remove excess tissue fluid. Lymphatic vessels are temporarily damaged by the trauma of surgery. Manual treatment helps move and assuage the swelling. A gentle massage technique is followed for the first few weeks after surgery. Deeper interventions help support your body's healing process once the swelling begins to turn fibrotic, hard, and lumpy.
Clients get the most benefit when lymphatic massage is done in the earlier stages of their recovery. I recommend several sessions in the two week period following surgery, beginning days 1 after surgery, especially post Tumescent Liposuction. After that, a recommended approach is twice or three times a week until your swelling has resolved.
Your treatment will be determined on a case-by-case basis. I will work closely with you to determine your specific needs.
Post plastic surgery Massage
Are you nervous about your recovery? Are you experiencing discomfort, hardness, and tightness?
Top plastic surgeons from the NY Metropolitan area refer their clients to me because they know I provide exemplary care and results. Having had years of dedicated study and hundreds of hands-on cases, I understand the healing process associated with cosmetic procedures and have developed specialized techniques that are designed for different stages of surgical recovery.
We need to address scar tissue formation, adhesions, and post-surgical swelling as your body goes through the healing process. I take pride in providing extra set of eyes on your healing, working with you to ensure a smooth and quick recovery.
Oncology Massage
An oncology massage is a client-specific, customized massage session designed to meet the unique and changing needs of someone in treatment for cancer or with a history of cancer treatment. A safe massage plan generally revolves around the side effects (both short- and long-term) of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.”
Oncology massage vs lymphatic massage/manual lymph drainage:
The risk of developing lymphedema can be mild or fairly high for someone who has had lymph nodes removed or radiated as part of cancer treatment-frequently breast cancer, ovarian cancer, head and neck cancers, and some of the colorectal cancers. Manual Lymph Drainage, or lymphatic massage, is designed to assist the client with reducing the swelling and rerouting the lymph . Oncology massage therapists are educated to understand when a client is at risk for developing lymphedema, and to modify the massage so that they will not trigger the lymphedema. They will provide a very light massage to the affected area in the body that is at risk, but not with the intention of moving the lymph. It is a safe, gentile, and preventive massage.
Deep Tissue Massage:
While many clients who have received massages prior to receiving a cancer diagnosis, they are not used to the rigors and trauma of treatment or some of the side effects after treatment. During treatment, and often due to side effects after treatment, deep tissue massage is not appropriate. The deep massage may feel wonderful at the time, but while the client is in treatment, it can cause the immune system to work not only to help defeat the cancer, but also to repair the tiny microtears to the muscles from the deep massage. The immune system becomes overwhelmed. Some clients have reported feeling as if they have the flu after receiving a deep massage while in treatment. The general guideline for the therapist is to start gently, and “inch forward” with the pressure. Many clients find after a few sessions that they actually prefer the slower, gentler massage provided by the oncology massage therapist. They also find it does an excellent job at reducing pain and anxiety, so that the depth is not necessary for an enjoyable and effective experience.
Restorative Massage:
The goal is to help the client to reduce pain, anxiety, nausea, depression, and other side effects of diagnosis and treatment, so that they may heal themselves. Some clients have described the massage as healing. However, because there is a difference between healing and curing but the two terms are often used interchangeably, we do not wish to claim that we can cure anyone. Therefore, the term “restorative” massage was used instead.